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What is The True Value of Transparency?

13th, April 2021

Every business is looking for a competitive differentiator and Workspace Technology Ltd is no different to any other business when it comes to setting visions, and values. But not many businesses have transparency as their number one value!

Driven right from the top by our MD Roy Griffiths through the core of WTL resides our transparency value, but why has Roy chosen “Transparency”?

We at WTL believe the transparency of a business is not only valued by its clients but also its employees and brings value to the business itself.

We are very clear in the way we message ourselves externally to stakeholders, prospective customers, and within our community. Our leadership team strives to communicate messages clearly and effectively across the organization.

Procurement professionals look at the 3 Ps of procurement when selecting a supplier

  • Price
  • Product
  • Performance

Best-practice procurement involves total transparency, presenting the fine detail of each decision-making process and collating all necessary information so it is at hand, to be supplied without delay when required by auditors or management.

We at WTL avoid smoke, mirrors, and hidden agendas! we believe that making information accessible to our clients is key to not just winning business but retaining it and developing long term relationships.

We provide detailed quotations, laid out clearly accompanied by drawing packs, showing our clients every aspect of what they are purchasing in a professional presentation.

We believe it promotes trust, fosters growth, and increases loyalty.

All of which helps to value our brand by creating direct and indirect positive impacts.

We believe that transparency is paramount in building relationships in a technological world.

You cannot put a price on trustworthiness, honesty, openness, clarity and accuracy!

So, would transparency be a deciding factor for you when choosing the right company to do business with?


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