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IG55 Prolnert Fire Suppression Systems

Fire Suppression

Fire Suppression

Essential Security & Protection Against Fire Threats

ProInert® is manufactured by Fike, provides clients with an excellent cost effective and environmentally friendly inert gas fire extinguishing system. Fike’s ProInert IG55 offers all the benefits of other inert gas systems with several significant design improvements and enhancements which improve performance.

ProInert is also the most environmentally friendly gaseous fire extinguishant on the market. The inert gas blend in ProInert IG55 is naturally occurring, which means it has zero ozone depletion and zero global warming potential.

Most inert gas fire extinguishing systems discharge from the nozzle into the protected space with a high surge flow rate, creating a hazardous pressure peak. These systems use pressure reducers further down the pipe network to mitigate safety issues, but also require both high-pressure and low-pressure piping.

Because of its unique patented valve assembly, the ProInert IG55 agent enters the protected room within the industry required 60 seconds, but at a steady flow rate which prevents destructive turbulence from occurring. This constant flow rate means you can use small-diameter, low pressure (and less expensive) piping from the inert gas container, all the way to the nozzle. Also, the necessary pressure venting area is much smaller reducing installation costs by as much as 60% on venting hardware.

ProInert’s patented constant flow rate valve translates into a system that is not only safer for your staff and facility, but also saves you money.

Globally approved and recognised:

  • UL
  • FM
  • LPCB
  • included in ISO 14520
  • included in EN14520
  • included in NFPA 2001
  • US EPA SNAP Listed
  • HAG Listed
  • TPED Compliant

ProInert Inert Gas System Benefits:

  • Zero Ozone Depletion for maximum environmentalism
  • Superior design allows for convenient long pipe runs
  • Constant flow rate reduces hazardous pressure peaks
  • Globally Approved
  • Typically, requires less floor space than other inert gas systems

Click here to view our IG55 brochure.

Pressure Relief Dampers

While inert gas fire suppression systems are an excellent, environmentally sound means of protecting key assets and rooms, clients should be aware that the release of an additional 50% volume into a protected space (the fire suppressant agent) will cause a pressure increase. This pressure increase can cause damage to the room, if not vented.

Workspace Technology will include positive pressure relief vents, to ensure pressures are kept within acceptable levels and the inerting gas remains in the protected space for the required time, to allow the fire to be completely extinguished.

For more information on Prolnert IG55 and our full range of fire extinguishing system products and services please contact our Sales Team on 0121 354 4894 or send us a message.