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Low Energy Indirect Evaporative Free Cooling is Now a Reality

8th, April 2014

Whilst many I.T managers have accepted the use of direct fresh air to cool their data centre facility there are still many applications where direct fresh air is inappropriate or will not be accepted by the user base.

There has been a growing need for data centre cooling innovation. With an acceptance of higher server inlet temperatures and the deployment of more effective air management the use of indirect adiabatic cooling a now a viable proposition.

After a number of years of research and development Excool are now shipping world leading adiabatic indirect fresh air cooling technology.

This technology delivers the best of both worlds, whilst benefiting from indirect cooling it still maintains an exceptional PUE. If installed correctly through an experienced data centre design and build company users will benefit from industry leading energy performance.

Excool is the most efficient indirect economiser in the world designed specifically for data centre applications.

Outdoor air is used to indirectly cool the data centre airflow through a series of heat exchangers enabling cooling to take place without outdoor air entering the data hall.

The advantage of heat exchange technology is that this keeps potential air pollution hazards such as smoke and salt out of the mission critical space. Through the use of specially designed adiabatic sprays the Excool system when combined with aisle containment will maintain data centre internal temperatures of 24ºC with external ambient temperatures in excess of 35ºC.

Workspace Technology offers clients a complete data centre design and build solution. We are able to install Excool as part of a retrofit or brand new data centre design.

Through a combination of effective airflow control, high efficiency heat transfer and adiabatic evaporative cooling Workspace Technology is able to integrate the Excool system without the need for mechanical compressors or chilled water coils. Excool will deliver part PUE starting from as low as 1.02. When Excool is deployed as part of a balanced data centre solution Workspace Technology is able to offer annualised PUE3 ranging between 1.15 – 1.2 depending on local conditions.

For more information please contract Roy Griffiths Technical Director at or call 0121 354 4894.

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